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Tres Tyvand

For the past decade, Tres Tyvand has been developing and supporting blended and online learning options at the district office of the Bend-La Pine School District in Bend, Oregon.

Tyvand brings a balance of public and private sector experience to her consulting work.

After earning a BA in Education from Prescott College, and a Master of Science in Teaching from The New School for Social Research, Tyvand's early career took an unexpected turn when timing landed her a technical writing and quality assurance oversight opportunity in Seattle's high-tech industry.

The life-long drive to be a high school English teacher eventually led Tyvand back to public education and into the classroom in Bend-La Pine as a high school language arts teacher for seven years.

Eventually, the once separate paths of the high-tech industry and public education merged when Tyvand began to lead the district's online and blended education work. Subsequently, what started as a small, alternative program of a hundred students has flourished into a fully integrated, district-wide model serving over 3,000 students annually at 31 schools.


Tyvand speaks nationally about how to envision, create, and sustain successful, fiscally-viable Flexible Learning Models. Additionally, Tyvand consults nationally in a variety of capacities for districts, non-profits, and the private sector in the education-innovation industry. Tyvand's work centers on Yes! Coaching to develop, evaluate or refine Flexible Education Models, P-20.

Travel and personal experience have afforded Tyvand time in a wide variety of human landscapes, from her time teaching in a last-chance, drop-out high school in the Bronx, to working in corporate high-tech in the suburban/urban mix of Seattle, to her current location of the more rural, open spaces of Oregon. This allows Tyvand to easily connect with a broad spectrum of stakeholders and quickly understand the needs of a variety of client types.


Professional Engagements

Professional Engagements

Professional Engagements:

  • Oregon Rising | Volunteer Facilitator | Summit High School, Bend, OR | May 2016
  • ASU Global Silicon Valley Summit | "Innovation Showcase" | San Diego, CA | April 2016
  • Blended Learning Leaders Forum | "Bend-La Pine Schools Online: A School Success Story" | Portland, OR | February 2016
  • Statewide Online & Blended Learning Symposium | Bend, OR | October 2015
  • Confederation of Oregon School Administrators (COSA) | "World Class Opportunities for Oregon's Rural School Students" and "Starting Up an Online Program in Your District" (panel) | Seaside, OR | June 2015
  • Blended Learning Leaders Forum | "Scalable Online Solutions for a K-12 District" | DC Metro Area | June 2015
  • Focus Through the Noise: Clayton Christensen Institute Workshop with Heather Staker | "Integrating Systems, Operations and Budget to Deliver a Student-Motivated, Blended-Learning Experience" and "Models Offered Catering to Individual Student Circumstances" | Scottsdale, AZ | May 2015
  • Personalized Learning Symposium | "The Answer to How is Yes" | Santa Clara, CA | March 2015
  • Confederation of Oregon School Administrators (COSA) | "Opening the Door to the Future" | Seaside, OR | June 2014
  • District Administration Leadership Institute (DALI) | "Faster, Smarter: Operating Efficient, Successful Online and Blended Learning Programs" | La Jolla, CA | February 2014
  • iNACOL | "Slow & Steady: Growing a Successful K-12 District Online Program" | Orlando, FL | October 2013



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